Thursday, June 13, 2013

Why the strength world hates CrossFit...

I will tell you why I personally hate CrossFit...

They have no real idea of a real diet. They think paleo is legit, when in actuality they eat 100% paleo 50% of the time.

They do not squat to depth. They do not have any lower body power.

They literally run away gains.

CrossFit is disguised as GPP or drills.

They have abs.

They use those horrible harbinger soft belts and think it helps.

Now why the general public hates CrossFit....

Above plus they are weak.

They are trained by a guy who literally holds a certificate and paid 3k to do it.

CrossFit gets tons of attention.

CrossFit is popular even with the weak and fat.

CrossFit never perfects one lift let alone correct form.

Why CrossFit hates its self (and it does not know it)...

Eventually cf popularity will come to a running halt.

They are being beat by women and men who in general are just stronger.

They are realizing paleo is not giving them the muscle growth and recovery to get stronger.

I once heard a CrossFit box owner say "hate cf, most cross fitters are cocky and just big douche bags." now I will quote myself "Powerlifting is not bonded at all, at most it has cliques of Westside and then other training methods"

Let me also say this: NO PROGRAM is perfect without integration of other things. I judged and watched a cf meet not to long ago and noticed one big thing... Cf never benches but does a lot of cleans and thrusters and handstands, etc... Two women had a 95# bench, the rest, a plate!! Powerlifting cannot say that. Heck I cannot either! My bench is weak in the pl world. I should of been benching 200 long ago. My answer to fix this? Try cf techniques. First of all it is fun... Let me tell you I hate bench, like I would skip it forever if I could, but I like cleans, hangs, handstands, therefore I like to practice whenever I can.

Do not get me wrong, CrossFit is weak. They think it is ok to run a gazillion miles then squat. It is NOT ok, there are tons of studies that says this is not ok, yet, cf continues to do it. CrossFit men's legs are TWIGS. No thank you.

90% of boxes suck, but did you know they have specialties? Some like Olympic lifts, some strength, some form, some endurance, etc. Our box is different. Yes, OUR. I am part of a cf gym. I love it. OUR box is not scared to up the weight, to hit depth (and tell you) or work on being strong. Our box asks for help to be stronger with big wigs like Donnie Thompson. We read books, articles, talk about it. I do wish our box ate to lift and integrated scaling and or rest weeks, but like every program, our box has its weakness. This is why having an open box is so great. We are very diverse. We have people for weight loss, strength, fitness. At any point someone will help. I have gone through two sets of training partners and honestly until now, no one has ever been willing WILLING to help. Not just write a program or tell me I am not low enough, but say put the bar there, work on this part. Now, do not get we wrong, pl has pointed out my issues, but it is usually only meet based.

I realize hating CrossFit is not a new issue, but in all honesty, doing OHP to help bench or board work to help with weaknesses may not be your answer. Maybe instead of saying because so and so told me this will help we should consider adding other programming to our training.

Simply put, CrossFit sucks, but so does powerlifting. Quit being jealous of all the cf attention and open your eyes to something that may just make you better.

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