Saturday, June 15, 2013

The importance of beating your ass....

The importance of beating your ass.

It is important to me, day to day to be better than I was the day before. Be it as a wife, a mother, as an the closet cross fitter, or as a powerlifter. I do not want to be better because I do not like an individual, but moreso because an individual gave me the number to beat. I love to compete. I love being stronger than most people I know.

"That being said" I was so politely called out on fb about my day to day gym activities and why I am at a cf gym and the amount of dues I pay. Let me be real clear with the dues: My dues are just that, MINE. I pay and that should be sufficient enough for anyone.

"That being said" I do not CrossFit because I do not pay for it. I have been involved in two metcons now only because the owners wife asked, otherwise I do them on my own because I like to hit my weaknesses in my own makeup metcons (and because Wade said no).

"That being said" I guess it is time to start working on more cardio/time based lifts when I am off or if I can at home... Why? That same person who called me out needs their ass beat in their own sport.

People so kindly forget Taylar Stallings who after crossfitting for 7 or 8 months made it to REGIONALS. She also was a powerlifter who held a lot of pl records in 165/181 class... Cross fitters need to be VERY aware that although power lifters hate running, tell us no, and we will literally hit the pavement.

So... Back to beating your ass. I held the squat record for 181 not too long ago and watched it taken from me while I was pregnant. Ultimately, it is my goal to get it back. Not because Shannon Nash holds it (I was there when she broke it) but because it is mine!!! This week I watched two cf do Turkish get ups and double unders with 10 & 15 lb in 10:50 and 11.02... So I did 30 and with every breath I took tried to beat them. They got me by .25 but I doubled the weight. I also squatted 225 for 3 reps and 5 sets before and they benched before. I actually enjoyed the fact that the time pissed me off enough to drive me. How can a person not want to beat a time?

What happened to competition? Oh... I remember. Some big f'in crybaby needed a trophy for every event. I remember as a kid my parents took me to dance and when we did well we got invited to a special class. I also remember I wanted to be in that class and i did get invited at one point but I worked for it!! I remember when trying to win meant something. It is heartbreaking to lose. I will hate it when Amelya has to but then I will show her where we can make her better and we will work on it. Maybe this is where we as parents are failing with kids. Working on things means effort and now a days with our fast paced world we do not have time. As a society and as a parent we need to fix this before we have a bunch of pussy fat ass kids ruling the world.

Anyhow, training has been well and I recently hit a tough but fun Deadlift pr and my handstand and OHP work is looking a lot better. I am six weeks out from a strong woman event in which I will have five people to beat (myself included) and I am honestly stoked, I am sure one of them will light a fire under my ass.

Leave now if you do not wanna read mommy stuff...

We are investing in wool dryer balls. Cheaper and supposedly better. I am super excited to stop buying fabric softener which pretty much makes everything water repellant. Less chemicals too :) I am hoping in the long run all this crunchy/granola stuff pays off... So far so good.

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