Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hit meet... The strongest cf!

So yesterday I got up at 5 to bench before the Hit meet. It was terrible, Michael has removed main bench work and we hit close grip first. It sucks and I am horrible sore today.

After bench I went home to have what I thought was a terrible day because we have done meets with Amelya and it is obvious after this meet that only when we compete does it get hectic (and I am sure my fever, double ear infection and her neediness did not help) anyhow we had the pleasure of judging. This is more Michaels bag, but I enjoy it the couple of times I have done it.

Squats. Out of the handful of times judging, this is the least amount of reds I have ever given for squats. I do not know how others judge, but after a point you kinda forget who is squatting you just know this pair of shorts squatted like an inch high and you pray they hit depth this squat. I only had one guy I had to call out twice and I really think form is more of an issue than depth... On this note Cindy squatted a 20lb pr. I really think she has HUGE numbers coming for the 181 class as long as her weight stagnates at the 165 plus range (possible given her strong thick lower body) now just to show her what the 181 class can do for her! I know she misses met cons and much like me she does not care about the scale but at the same time would like to be thinner/lean and that is ok as long as she is not killing herself doing both.

Pulling. I also got to see a lot of pulling (my bag) and I really think power lifters pull better and stronger and cross fitters do not know their strength, ESP the men and larger women (I get to say larger because I am!) I realize OLY lifting is huge in the cf world and that plays a lot into it technique. The only vids I saw of the first strong pl turning cf (Taylor Stallings) she pulled pl technique during the cf games (granted the vid I saw was crazy far away) and she took the box jump/dl metcon by storm... This leads me to believe our way is better.

Bench. ALOT of women had a 135 plus bench. I think pl needs to figure out why we (mostly women) suck so bad at bench. I also think after the past month I have figured it out. Candace, Gracie and Laura all know what the key is. I really hope some pl will take this into consideration.... the key is: handstands (all forms). Like Cindy said, you are working body weight pull ups but reversed. How many women can really pull up with great form? Prepregnancy I did 3. I can do one now, with horrid form. I am integrating that and some upper back work to help my bench. I also think every box needs to work on bench pauses and Michael has a really good method for that.

Venue. I am gonna go out on a limb here and make ONE bad comment. This is MY opinion and no one influenced me or said anything, this is my view. Wade had two vendors there. Not gonna say who but I know the one guy. He really did two things to make me angry. One was he continues to sponsor the weak. Formulated with body weight Michael has lb by lb more than any kid this guy sponsers (although I do not know EVERY one)... I have made several attempts to mention we would love to be sponsored but apparently that went unheard. THEN the guy hits up Michael because he has no clue who he is. Michael blew him off. THEN the guy leaves his trash littering Wades gym. Yea, done with THAT guy, he can take his fashionable buckle jeans and mirrored aviators back to wherever he came from. Now mind you, WADE is the owner, I respect any of his guests and his decisions, but that does not mean I gotta like the guy so with that being said if Wade were to make the decision to deal with him my opinion or whatever is invalid. I honestly should not of mentioned it, but I could not think of one bad moment in this meet and there it is. Bad with the good.

Good things:

So many things!!!

Big space! Donnie Thompson! The Meetzes lovely kiddos!
Donuts! Paleo pancakes! Jessica Holmes! Skip!
Coffee! Volunteers! Three other boxes!!
Yelling! Two platforms!
PR! Awards for ONLY the best lifters! (And they were pretty cool)
Knee wraps! Inzer belt use!
Money! Friends! Hugs!
Pictures! Done by 3! (55 plus lifters) (4 lifts)

I am sure I am forgetting a ton of stuff, but like any kiddo, Amelya had her moments and I ran and got us food, changed her, etc and I did not see it all.

After the meet was over the Meetzes loaded us up with drinks, shirts, shakers, etc which was awesome and we headed home to unpack and Michael went back to bench. After benching we went to eat at Pops then chilled on the back porch and then bed!!! It was a good day! I had so much fun! Thank you so much to the Meetzes who let me get in two good hours judging while watching Amelya for me, it was like a mini vacation!!!

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