Saturday, May 11, 2013

Catch up and man up

It has indeed been a month but in the past month I attained a one year old and am working quite a bit plus strongman training and now in a new gym. I also did a meet this past month. I weighed in at 214, which is 17# from my last weigh in and is still very heavy, it is very apparent on my midsection... Leading up to the point of all the above is that my new gym is CROSSFIT... And I am doing one or two WODs just to lose weight and primarily on bench days or event. Being in a cf gym changes a lot of things. A true crossfitter is amazing. They are focused on the goal at hand and oddly enough, encouraging of whatever you are in the gym for. I have also seen some women more like myself, less worried about the scale more about strength, which is great. The downfall to strength in a cf gym is more often then not cardio bunnies will pop up (and want to do strength) and even if doing strength will kill gains by wanting to run marathons/5k or cardio.

Motherhood is very different with a running toddler. She is very independent within reason and has opened up to some but crowds (much like mommy) are just a no go. We still are doing every six month echoes and I have recently added 5ml of cod liver oil in addition to daily meds to help with the upcoming summer and just for general fat intake and cholesterol (because we do feed her eggs daily). I have read a good bit on cod vs fish and other than the EPA and dha doses I do not really see much of a difference except getting her to take cod liver is CAKE. Reflux meds are ten times worse, which reminds me we are still on to follow up with her sleep doc soon. While on the subject of motherhood I feel it very necessary to bring up vaccinations at a year old we load up our kids full of all kinds of stuff, the most highly discuss able being the mmr (measles mumps and rubella). First, I am pro vaccine. Second, I am pro delayed vaccine. I think too much therisol (spell check refuses to work with the spelling) ie mercury at once is Cray Cray so delaying is good for us... But I do think getting them (unless live vaccines for health issues stop you) is very important. That being said a friend of mine, (for the sake of driving myself nuts the little girls name is Jo) got her one year shots. Jo had a pretty bad reaction up to 104 fever, seizure and hearing loss (that will return with time). I texted the mother and her response to be affirming she did the right thing was "do you think so?" Um YES. Did you know a recent bout of the mumps recently shut a school down? Did you know your child could be disabled of never reproduce if they got these diseases? Did you know that the more do not vaccinate the more likely these diseases will become common? Did we survive? The autism link has been debunked folks... And do you not think our daily diets are not causing a radical increase in autism? No you say? Do you feed your kid that shit they call food at McDonald's? Do you watch the carbs fat and protein? Our diets have changed radically in the past twenty years.

Onto another subject, powerlifting. Women's powerlifting is so hateful. Yea I am calling out pretty much every female powerlifter. Powerlifting is fun. None of us are going to ever become anything... The proof is Laura. Strongest woman ever right? She does have the records, the respect, the gym, the sponsership but her physically powerlifting does not pay the bills. Her job does. So then why is women's powerlifting so damn catty? I guess it is the numbers? I tend not to think so. Ann Vanderbush has whipped my ass several times in the same weight class yet we still chat. Who is prettier? Who is really pretty when squatting double body weight? Who is thinner? That is just silly, I have been thick and thin and I will never be thin and powerlift but I would never hate on a 123 lb chick because she was 123. I cannot figure out why women in this sport are not more bonded... I guess for the same reason cf and pl is still not bonding? Are we scared? Scared of not fitting in? One better than the other? Mad because one uses Westside and another 5/3/1 and we are so brainwashed our method is the right one that we hate all others? I dunno.

Women need to step up to the plate... Er bar... And if you are reading this and you lift, it means you.

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