Saturday, March 9, 2013

The power of....

The power of.... I think alot of things are mental:  how good of a parent a person can be, how someone feels, how strong they are. I think as far as parenting two good, strong and open parents can rear a well behaved, appropriate and strong child. I think doing things you want your child to do (action) gives positive and good reinforcement on proper behavior expected of that child even at Amelya's age. Amelya is not perfect, she gets cranky when she is tired, she has difficulty self soothing at times and most importantly, her heart is repaired with small issues that we hope will resolve on their own.... this all leads me into caring for a child with long term medical issues. I have long been a part of a mothers group on facebook and in real life. As time goes on some babies have been diagnosed with short term issues and some long. I am unsure if I am bitter or just hurt by it but I have noticed the mothers with short term issues make EVERYTHING a big deal. I feel like no one (with the exception of one mother) understands how I feel or how I worry nonstop. No one understands why I cannot get things done alot of the time (I will not risk her getting sick) or that the only time I get gym time is if my wonderful grandparents watch her. No one understands that as parents Michael and myself are willing and taking alot of precautions  to keep Amelya healthy (handwashing, shoes off at the door, no exposure to other kiddos) and that is not what I am ranting about. I am ranting about mothers who overreact over simple issues like posts not answered on facebook or vision issues or dry skin.... Fixable issues. I complain about reflux and  feel bad for ranting about it when sweet Kirby is in heaven and I know her parents would love to have our simple issues...  Which brings me to... I seriously sometimes  wonder when complaining about anything becomes in excess and when being humble is a better option.

On the note of excess my bench seems to be coming along smoothly as does Michaels and I am very happy. I have also found out that tea tree oil can tqke the stink out of wraps and sleeves pretty well, which is a bonus for our rehbands. I would also like to mention I am pretty irritated with the people at our gym who think Michael and myself have to share a bench because we workout togeather. No. No. No. I pay a membership so get off your horse and deal with it. These people complaining are the ones who frequently do it and honestly everytime I look at them they are being unsafe or showing more skin than I care for... I should complain but I am 34 not 14. They need to grow up.

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