Tuesday, June 3, 2014

SC Strongest Woman 2014

Let me first do some thanks... to my spouse for just exsisting- to Denise for being my bff despite just, life. To the Meetzes for a good training enviroment and support on all levels. Brent for being a good partner, friend and marrying a good woman. Steve for shirtless stone and db vids. Kim for being a great training partner. Donna (MIL) for watching my girl. My whole gym at Hit Crossfit for support and help with the meet. Dr Trey Hodge for dealing with a strength based diet. I am sure I am missing something or someone... Thank you anyhow!!!


Let me start before then. A couple months ago I weighed in as a hww (heavy) and at that showing met the  2nd world's strongest woman and got my ass handed to me. I did pay alot of attention though, how she pressed, what she wore, etc. It was a good meet, it got my ass on the ball with my weight because I soon realized I would either gain or have to cut.... so I cut. Forward onto training where it all went well, training with multiple implements and getting oriented to new movements. Now forward again to two weeks preshow for  SC Strongest man and woman. I knew I had to drop weight. 15lbs. I doubled Satan's tricycle and got a new diet.... The week of I still had 14 to go. I ended up with a water cut. I hit the scale at 180 on Friday. Now mind you, I cut weight for RUM 4, but I also wasn't post baby and married with a home to care for.
I also had my MIL to worry about and despite the fantastic woman she is I am still a daughter in law who wants things semiperfect. I was able to get in what I would consider two meals AND two gallons with the help of Lynn, Steve and my spouse. I woke up Sat AM feeling good but nervous and tried to prep for my little girls day with Granny and my day with the weights and friends. I ate a bite with Michael and onto the event. It all went well until warm up. We got a new huge circus db that I was not use to and by the time the log came open the heavies were trying to prep (I got a couple reps). When the  event was called I was horribly nervous. I had forgotten my inhaler and subbed for primatine  tabs. No big.... I think. I forgot my wrist wraps and to use my knee sleeves. I also forgot how to log press. I have done 120 so many times, it is crazy. So I gave that event up for fourth. FOURTH. What the hell? I just wasn't ready in any form for that let alone shitty lifts. It took my spouse to get me into the right mindset. Many people don't know my spouse personally but he is a big man. Tall, bald, tattooed and large and in charge! He scares the shit out of people ALOT. I however respect him. He is my friend,  coach, lover and on Saturday he was my mind. He yelled at me enough for people to look and ask if I was ok. I am always ok with Michael just for future refrence.   He needed to berate me. I blew away the next three with first place and PR'd my Conans, my competition got an extra lap on me and won that. In the end we tied. Ten points. She won on weight. Let me stop for a minute though.

She won because she was more prepared and I had and lesson to learn.

I was pretty sure I would win all the events. I am not ashamed to say it. I have been sure of that before and then the 2nd place WSW showed up.... but this time I just knew if I kept my stuff togeather I could easily do it.... AND I almost did. I don't think I lost first over one event. I think my head weighed so much over anxiety, the loss of the OHP events and going in TOO secure that I willingly gave up first. I really don't have much to add to this except Michael (my rock) has gone through this before me. I am disappointed for not giving the show my husband, my gym and my coach wanted. I know I can do and be better, but I know I had a lesson to learn also - and I did. That is all I can really say. Nothing more to add. Now to train and diet prep for September and move on... maybe someday I will actually use these National invites I am collecting!

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