Wednesday, January 15, 2014



Someday I wanna be a pro. A pro powerlifter. A pro strongwoman. A pro crossfitter. A pro Mom. A pro wife. Wait...

Wait. Those do not exist you say? Well, I looked it up and supposedly now a day you can put pro before anything and its legit.

Part of me feels like labels are a good thing and part of me feels like it can be excessive. Does the word pro hurt anyone? Well, maybe the handful of people who actually deserve it. So, should it be used? Prolly not. I use strong as a label for myself. Does it hurt anyone? No. Everyone is strong in their own way. What about bully? Bully can be pretty degragatory when most of the time the kid bullying is bei.g bullied by another and it is a vicious nasty cycle.... I hate this new label and if it offends someone. We are so worried about being PC we forget what really matters, for example like being a pro to our kids.
Everyday I feel overwhelmed by the fact that God gave me A... even more that he gave her a good father and even more so that she has all these needs that I need to be aware of. Everyday I strive to be a PRO momma. A pro wife. My lifting, my diet, my everything, all comes second.... I digress.

I actually came to blog tonight because we are facing a tosil and adnoid removal (i.e. the boulders in the throat) and I am none the less terrified. A surgery. I have researched and feel this is a good decision but still feel so helpless. It will help with her apnea, ears, vomiting, heart. It will also give us a better chance to test her hearing while she is under. Annnnnnd there are the words. I just get so heavy hearted at that the thought. My little under the knife. Again. It breaks my heart. Delaying it wont help any, she is high risk because of her heart anyway. We have done everything and think we found some of the reasons for apnea (milk allergy) but now I am really wondering. Her sleep suffers, alot. She is such a resteless baby. Anyhow... I digress again.

Lifting has come along well, recently got 460 off of a frame. Appears pulling is going well but overhead sucks. Well, the log sucks. Michaels programming has helped alot. I like that he can do that aspect and get me stronger and I dont have to think about it. I mean he got my pull back pretty durn quick. I just wish he could do that to my upper back. Quick rant for thought I guess...

Who or what are you a pro for and why? Are you sure it is the right thing to be a pro for or does it even need a label?

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