Saturday, December 7, 2013

"Strong is the new skinny"

I have been powerlifting since 2009. That being said I have seen a lot. More than most. I also know a lot more than most about the lifters, their backgrounds and some of the crazy stuff  they have done. I have even asked some people like Lindsay, what actually happened during that seminar. I researched supposed porn by power lifters. Anyhow, there are some pretty distinct personalities in pl...

Most commonly seen is:

That guy who:
Wants to eat his way up (ie bulk)
Wants to stick his pole in every girl but wants her to keep quiet about their "relationship"
Wants to stay "drug free"
Wants to wear tight Aeropostale shirts and greasy hair and bench 315, braaaa
Wants to pull 2.5x bodyweight Lifting for a girl
Lifting for general wellness

That girl who wants to

Sleep her way through the top
Is "clean" (read as drug free)
Is skinny
Has a badonkadonk
Is lifting to feel better about herself
Is lifting because someone made her Is lifting for general wellness

Both who want to "Make a mark on the pl world" Let me tell ya, I have only met two people who have ever reached that mark with respect (honesty, considerate, responsible) AJ and Laura. Yep. Pretty sad, eh? Hell I have my mistakes in pl (I dated a d bag of a lifter before my spouse). So, let me break it to ya, you are not gonna make a mark unless it is in your pants when you squat (ie skid mark). So this point leads into "things you can do to make yourself the talk of pl" they include:  sleeping with the top level lifter, sucking someone's vag/penis, making a bash against another lifter, writing a hot topic article.

Let us all go on to this recent bash on "strong is the new skinny" first off, who the FUCK are you to down a slogan that promotes heavy women (because even though it is not abput weight, the majority of heavy women feel it is)? Do you know the other side of the plight? I do. I weighed 140 at one point. I also weighed 255 at another. So.... The slogan "strong is the new skinny" it is not a slogan to break down, it is a slogan that means skinny is popular, now strong is. There is no need for analysis or definitions. This is not Louie Simmons/Jon Grove/Wendler Scientology. It has nothing to do with unity of women nor body weight, you would know that if you had a bodyweight over 114 and your visible hip bones and ribs was actually something of an illness instead of being proud of it and slathering it all over Instagram. This is not about "uniting women of all body types." "Strong is the new skinny" has gotten so many people I know into strength sports, do not knock it because their numbers are high or you have nothing to write about or because all your friends are a buck fifty. Do not bash women when the whole point of bashing "strong is the new skinny" was to bond females. Let me tell ya honey, I cannot bond with you because odds are I will sit on you and crush you with my big heavyweight ass. So here is my hot topic article. I have never been liked and could really give if I am liked... I also have slept with someone before marriage. So judge me as you may, I have been on both sides of the fence, so my opinion is actually valid. Quit bashing "strong is the new skinny."

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