Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Things not to say to a heart parent

Things NOT to say to a Heart Mother or Father

1. She looks fine! If fine is a damaged heart, then yea, she is GREAT.

2. She is all fixed now! Sure, lets scar up your lungs and see how well you breathe the next 5 years of your life IF you live that long.

3. What did you do? Just like I saw on http://www.mommyish.com/2013/10/18/10-things-say-nicu-mom/ I drank, smoked crack and did drugs.

4. At least it is just her heart. Oh is it? The non stop vomiting, the sleep apnea, etc... Yea just her heart.

5. That must be hard. No, what makes it hard is that 90 percent of the world thinks no one else is sick and it is ok to expose everyone else to the (insert gi bug, flu, cold here) or that cancer is more life threatening than CHD.

6. Well at least you can stay home with her more. Ok, so how do I afford her 61 dollar meds or doctor visits? A car to take her there? Foods to make her eat so she does not loose weight. 6a. Put her in a daycare for a day or two. Sure. So do you take your kid to daycare with a "clear" snotty nose? Oh, yes? Well clear runny nose causes us to be on respriatory treatments and miss the 30 plus hours I need to work.

7. You are always so serious when it comes to (insert person/thing/activity). My daughter was given less than a normal kids opportunity to do normal daily activities, she has issues to look for and a limited life span and yes, I take full blame for it, so if she cannot give 100, I will.

8) Her scar is not that bad. First off a daily cream at 17 an oz is applied and do you have a scar that will span your back your entire life for people to stare and or make fun of?

9) She will not need another surgery right? Your (insert relative here who had a heart attack) had to go back for hardening/stenosis right? Well she is one, so you guesstimate.


  1. Finally made it over here from Instagram -- I had no idea of the long term effects of CHD, great post!

  2. If you look, there is NOT alot of follow up via mom or children as a whole. I am attempting to undo this. Thanks for feedback!
